Things are looking Sweet in Portugal!
Zach's cutting down a little sugar cane in a members grove, can't get any more natural sugar than that!
So Zach answers a lot of my questions in his letter, I hope it makes sense. We are trying to coordinate a few things he's needing so that I can send him a package :)
Hey momma!
haha, i have no idea what size garments i wear, and i cut out all my tags haha(; but its the Cotton-Poly, and my waste is like a 32 and my torso is like a medium haha, i hope that helps!! and yes, i mean shortsleeve button up white church shirts haha(: and this is the best address to send stuff:
Rua Jorge Barradas Nº14C
1500 - 370 Lisboa
thats the mission office, and i live right by the mission office still, so you can send them there(:
haha yea, football was soooo fun!!! it was so good to play again haha(: today we played basketball in the rain for a couple hours and that was really fun too. my lip is healing along just fine, but now i have some scar tissue on my lip that isnt flexible, so when i perk my lips to whistle it feels all weird hahahahaha, so i have no idea if that will change or if thats for the rest of my life but whatever haha(: right now we're teaching quite a few people, but this coming saturday we will have 3 baptisms! A mother and daughter, and then another lady who is the friend of a member. so this week is getting them all ready. plus its mission council, so all the zone leaders in the mission tomorrow will go down to the mission office and we have a meeting from 9am to 4pm haha...... im missing the days of just being a normal grunt missionary!! haha. but we just found out that in April, David A Bednar is coming to portugal! so that will be super awesome!! we get to see and hear another apostle!!
and please can you send me an alttitude mask?? haha, i really really want one!! i know that im like a child but i dont know how to buy one while im here haha(: and hey, are dad and the boys even using that Polaris Razr?? i havent seen any pictures of it! i would be in that thing like every weekend haha! and can we please plan a dunes trip for when i get back? haha(:
well i love you all so much, and im doing great and im healthy and im happy(: and i love to hear that you guys are all happy too(: ill talk to you guys next week!!(: love you!!!

no, im not crapping in the woods, this is our buddy Armando, and he let us go out into his orchard?? is that what you call it, an orchard?? whatever, he let us go cut up some sugar cane to take home haha, they eat it a ton here!!
so this is how they eat the sugar can, you strip off the outer bark, then cut it up into like french fry sized things, then you just chew on it and drink the juice (they're super juicy and sweet, its like a sponge full of sugar water haha) then you just spit it out haha
and this is like my new best friend haha. his name is Herói (Hero) hahaha, and he was running around last sunday a ton, so i picked him up by the back of his overalls and starting runing around with him like he was flying haha, and he loved it so now we're bros
so these are some sick shoes i got from a member here haha! its a little showy for my style but they're way comfy and they were free haha. and this is a member named Juju, he's super sick and way funny, and he dressed up like a king on sunday in church to help with the kids haha, he's the one who gave me the shoes
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