Zach's on the Move
A lot of Splits this week!
this is me and Elder Beckstrand on our division! he's Assistant to the Pres. so he's a driver! (that's a rare thing in these darn foreign missions!)
Hey momma!(:
im super sorry, but im pretty short on time today! but everything is still going good here! and yea i bought a ukulele today! haha, but im done buying stuff for a while! and only 28 bucks, what happened to all the money from selling my bike? haha are you guys hiding that so that i cant use it?(:
And gosh dang i love to see those pictures of Ammon playing! and im super sorry, but i havent been feeling super good lately, and right now im having a hard time focusing. plus this week flew by because i spent like 4 days out of my area so i cant really remember all that we did this passed week, but next week is transfers! im pretty sure that i will be staying here, i just hope i have plenty of time to write you guys to make up for this cruddy email! i'll be praying hard for you guys, pray hard for me too that me and my comp can get along a little bit better! i guess just African and American cultures are way different or whatever because there has been some friction between us, but ill trade you guys some prayers(: haha.
But all of our recent converts here are doing awesome, and this weekend coming up the son of Sofia will be getting baptized! his name is Gonçalo and he's a tank haha, so hopefully i'll be sending some pictures in white next week!(:
well i have to run, and im sorry this letter is so lame, but i love you guys so much and i'll write you more next week!(:
this is elder Morse... Morse the Horse!! haha he played lacrosse before this mish, and his nickname was morse the horse cuz his thighs are fricken huge!! haha, he's a way cool guy, but he goes home in a week with transfers
so we had this meeting with quite a few missionaries, and we had a BEJA reunion!! my son Elder Roberts and awesome elder Beckstrand, me and him are always running into each other in the mission haha, i love these two goons
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