YEAH!! - His Pictures came through!!
me on my last sunday in my last area with Geovani and Hélio

Hey Momma!!(:
i finally got to send my pictures!! sorry that was taking so long haha! and yea this week i have a little bit more time(: and thats sad about Grandma, but yea at the same time i am happy for her really(: imagine all of her family that she has been waiting so long to see, and thats good that she passed quickly(: the funeral looks like it was really good, the family is looking really good too(:
and now to answer your questions!(:
1) yes i am loving my new area(: so far the people here are awesome, and even though its like an African ghetto here im really enjoying it haha, i guess Pres Fluckiger is just planning on keeping me in big cities haha.
2) yes me and Elder André are getting along really well, he's a hard worker and so that helps us to get along haha. it is a little bit weird though having a comp who's 25 haha, but we're cool and we joke and laugh all the time(: we also both really like working out, so we get up every morning and run over to this park about 1/2 a mile away and then he runs laps while i workout on the bars that they have there, so thats way awesome(:
3) he does not speak a lick of English hahahahahaha, but he wants to learn and so him and i practice together at night and stuff.
4) our ward here is sick! its almost as big as the ward in my last area, and the members are awesome. i hope i stay here for a while, but i've already made pretty good friends here(:
5) yea we travel a lot, not quite as much as my last area in the sense of public transport, but we use a train quite frequently. our area covers 3 seperate train stations, and also as zone leaders we have to travel to a lot of other areas to do baptismal interviews and divisions with the district leaders in our zone, so we travel quite a bit.
6) nah, im good, on both contacts and deoderant, thankyou(:
7) and yes, i would love some flaming hot cheetos haha(: and also throughout the week as i was thinking about the things i could use and i made a list... in the next package that you send could you please put in like 1 or 2 more shortsleeve white t-shirts? im down to only 1 left haha(: also some more garmets too please haha, im down to just 6 pairs hahaha, i dont know where they are dissapearing to haha(: also some hair gel, the American Crew Fiber, it's in like a little circular tub with a blue lid. and another thing that is a little different... could you send me an altitude mask pretty please??(: im gonna start getting pretty serious about working out, but im working out at 0ft. elevation, so i was thinking about using an altitude mask to work out better(: im sure david knows what they are, i saw some dude in his gym once that was using one(: haha, and i think thats it for my list haha, thank you!!(:
8) the snack that i missing from home is mostly just hot cheetos and beef jerky haha
9) if you are refering to the American store, no thats kinda far out of our area now:/
10) and there is a talk the Pres. Fluckiger gave to me that i wanted to share with you guys, i hope this link works: if the link doesnt work, the talk is called "Winning The War Against Evil" by Elder Hamula. its an awesome talk about kicking Satan´s butt haha(; no but its a really good talk(:
well i hope i answered everything!!(: and i gotta run soon, but thats so awesome about Sam!! that'll be sooo sick! kinda bummed that i dont get to see those guys before they take off, but thats okay, we'll have plenty of time to catch up after!(; i love you guys so much! have an awesome week!(:
FINALLY SOME PICTURES!! so this is the Baptism of Gonçalo!! now about three weeks ago haha(:
Check out the figures on top of Goncalo's cake! I love that they look like Zach and Goncalo!!!
getting to work in my new area Amadora! yea its pretty much the ghetto-est area in the mission haha, but its sick here(:
gettin to work!! my new comp elder André from Angola!
when that list of Areas and Companions fills up it means its time to go home.... i can still remember filling in my second little box haha, i cant believe how fast its filling up......
People Zach is working with
so this little birdy is like my new best friend.... i got it to bite my tounge hahahaha
this was today, a bunch of us met up at a big ole mall in my last area to spend some time together and goofed around a bit haha. the one in the yellow is one of my best bud's here in the mission
well i took my football with me today, and when we ran out of stuff to do we started playing catch, which turned into 500, which then turned into a 3 on 3 game of tackle football haha. considering that we're in Europe we actually had quite a few spectators haha, it was three Americans, an Angolan, a Costa Rican, and a Brazilian haha..... needless to say the Americans one, but i went to tackle the Brazilian and when i dove at him he tried to do a spin move, but just ended up headbutting me in the mouth hahahahaha, so i just about bit a hole in my lip, but its okay cuz we ended up winning(: it was probably the funnest p-day i've had my whole mission haha
here's the crew!!! it was me, the American sitting down in the yellow, and the Costa Rican is standing up in the blue on one team(the winners), and the American sitting down in the red, the Brazilian sitting down, and the Angolan standing in the yellow on the other team(the not-winners) haha, it was such a good time
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