New Area!!
Hey Momma!!
I MOVED AREAS AGAIN!! haha there was an Elder in our zone who was have some troubles with obedience and working, so we did an emergency division, and then afterwards our Pres felt that it would be better if we did an "Extended Division".... so now that elder is with my old comp Elder André in Amadora(the ghetto) and i am with that elders old comp Elder Phillips. and my new area is called Oeiras (its pronounced like oh - way - ruz) and its like flippin California! haha we have a ton of beach in our area and its right on the ocean, and is like a rich area haha, which is a huge jump from ghetto Amadora. and the best part?! IM GETTING A CAR!! IM GONNA START DRIVING!! hahahahaha dreams do come true!! i've wanted to drive my whole mission and finally i will haha. in this mission, other than the office elders and the Assistants, there are like 3 areas (out of about 150) that have cars, and i asked president because now that me and Elder André are split up, its harder to do zone stuff together because we're both still zone leaders, so he said yes to a car, and im going to get it either tomorrow or wednesday!! haha, so next week get ready for a ton of pictures!!(:
and dont worry about the package, because it will still go to the mission office, and now i live a little bit farther, but i have a car so i can get there super easy haha(: and thank you for sending the package, even without an altitude mask haha(: okay, ill keep my eyes open for it!!(:
so this week has been pretty crazy, and it'll still be crazy probably until thrusday, cuz today was pday and also i had to go get a physical and some papers to get my portuguese drivers license, tomorrow morning super early we've got to go get more papers (and sit in the American Embassy for anywhere between 3 to 5 hours) haha, then depending on how that goes, either later that day or wednesday morning go to the DMV for another few hours... but by thrusday we should be back to a normal work schedule, and it'll be with a car which will be sick as heck haha(:
but all three people were baptised on saturday!! a woman named Joana, and a mother and daughter named Kelly and Amanda! so that was totally awesome, and we had a ton of support from the ward! and even though its not my area anymore, i got permission to go down for the baptisms(:
also today has been pretty crazy, so i dont have much time to write, but next week i will hopefully have much more time haha(: i love you all so much!! have a good week!!(:
so here's like a sneak peak of my new area and my new comp! haha, i saw the beach and was like "dude... its been more than a year since i've gone barefoot in the sand... we gotta spend like 5 minutes here" haha, so we ran around in the sand for a little bit haha. and my comps name is Elder Phillips, he's american, but he was raised in Mexico because of his dad's job, so Spanish is actually his first language haha, but for the last couple years before his mission he was at BYU and living in Logan Utah, so he speaks English haha, and he's way cool
and these are the other 2 who were baptized!! the mother and daughter in white next to my comp. and then the others are the family that brought them into the church!! its like a short brazilian party! haha
this is my zone after our zone meeting!!
some random red bulls...
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