Tuesday, July 14, 2015

June 22, 2015

Only Five Month's Left!
so this is our friend Gerald from Ireland, he's super sick. there was a baptism on the beach yesterday. good thing i had my harmonica to bust out some hymns hahahaha

Hey Momma!!(:

dang lucky lucky dogs, almost a whole month in San Diego! haha, oh my goodness that arizona heat is gonna kill me when i get home! luckily i get home in the winter and have some time to adjust haha, but i have a feeling im gonna dry out like crazy cuz it's so humid over here. but right now the temperature is about 85 to 90 degrees and always sunny, so its beautiful weather, especially down on the coast. our house is in LoulĂ©, and its about 10km or so from the coast. we can see the ocean from our house, but it's still nicer right at the beach. thats so cool that Brig is down in the Dominican Republic doing HEFY, i fricken wish that they had that back when i was younger! 

so last week was pretty a pretty mellow week. the work here is kinda slow because all three cities are just huge tourist cities, so the people who live here dont have any time (cuz the few months of summer is when they work the most and make their money for the rest of the year), and the people who have time dont live here haha. but i have a feeling that ill be here until the end of my mission in November, so i'll be here when the summer hustle and bustle calms down and the missionary work picks up(: we had a baptism on saturday which was pretty cool, and then another one on sunday that was at the beach, i think i sent some pictures of me and my comp with our nonmember Gerald. im so bad at taking pictures haha, those pictures my comp took. But when we come to visit we have to come down here to the south, cuz i told Gerald when i come to visit we would take him out to dinner or something so that he can meet you guys(: he's a super awesome guy and is really looking for some peace in his life. 

McGraw and I get along great, he's already one of my favorite comps so far. both of us are hoping that we'll stay together for another transfer haha. he's a super funny guy, and he's from Washington state. i've convinced him to get a motorcycle when he gets home, and he says he wants to come live in arizona cuz arizona just looks like so much more fun hahaha. but he said he's gonna come visit after his mish, the problem is that he doesnt get home until flippin spring of 2017 haha, so who knows where i'll be!
well i gotta run, but i love you guys a ton!!

oh by the way, what's granna's address?? i know its like Mohawk something something haha. i have something i wanna send her, but dont tell her! i want it to be a surprise!

love you guys!!! have a good week in San Diego!!

for reals this harmonica is like the best thing i've ever bought

I BOUGHT A HARMONICA!!! and almost better than that, i bought one of those fricken things that holds up my harmonica for me so i can play my ukulele while i play my harmonica, its soooooo sick!!!! and we have a friend who's Irish, and he always says im a confederate because apparently i can only play confederate marching songs on the harmonica haha

 so we have a bunch of friends that are from Equador, and they play traditional equador music and perfom and stuff for work, so all the time they'll let us mess around with their stuff flippin while they're performing haha.

 i was Chief Dayton.... but the headset didnt help me play the panflute at all haha, that sucker is hard to play

car wash day! and they have this sick power-washer that looks like a railgun haha, we named our car The Royal Goose haha, i dont know why but it sounds great so it stuck
so a saw a BMW R1200 earlier this week.... brought back some good memories... oh my lanta i miss bikes

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