Thursday, November 20, 2014

November 17, 2014

Zach says goodbye to old Friends...
and hello to new ones
I LITERALLY JUST GOT DONE TALKING TO ELDER QUENTIN L COOK!!!!! he came and talked to our mission on friday and that was sweet! and while we were in our chapel doing emails he came by with a few others to see the chapel and we got to hang out with him for like 20 minutes!!! 

I GOT JUST TO HANG OUT WITH A LIVING APOSTLE!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahaha we got to see him and shake his hand on firday when he came to talk to our mission, but holy crud we just gave him a big ole tour of our chapel and hung out for a while! and they were totally asking about Barbara Dayton and stuff, and they were with some other guy, who i guess is Taylor and Molly's stake president, and also knows grandpa and grandma margaret hahaha, we weet took a bunch of pictures, so maybe start asking the utah daytons for some pictures haha(; 

and so yea, i got transfered out of Beja:( that seriously was one of the hardest goodbyes i have ever had to say, but i got to see Elder Roberts at the meeting with Elder Cook on friday, and he said that they are doing really well, which makes me soooo happy, and i cant wait to see them again(: so that's right where we're going when you guys come, because you guys have to meet them!!

and now im in LISBON haha, its just such a drastic change of the way of life haha. but im loving being here and i already love the people so much. And my new comps name is Elder Cedric Huntington, he's from Alaska hahahaha, so at night he has a fan pointed at him, and i have my onezy, like two blankets and a heater hahaha, but its awesome(: he's such and incredible missionary, and he goes home in three weeks. by the way TRANSFERS ARE ON THE 7TH OF DECEMBER becuase the church doesnt do any transportation two weeks before or after christmas cuz its so expensive, so this is a 4 week transfer, and the next one is an 8 week transfer haha. i almost certainly will be staying here, because Elder Huntington is going home, and so ill keep the area and i guess have to teach some one else how to be zone leader of
Lisbon haha, which by the way is gnarly and a ton of work haha. so if you could pretty please include me in your prayers so that somehow i can magnify my calling... i would greatly appreciate it hahahhaha(; 

my address is:

Rua Cidade de Moçamedes
Nº243 R/C DTO
1800 - 104 Lisboa

and you dont really wanna send packages to the mission home, but to the mission office, and the address for that is:

Rua Jorge Barradas
1500 - 370 Lisboa

and i've started a new personal study, im reading the whole Book of Mormon from the start, and im underlining every time there is a testification of Christ or Heavenly Father in blue..... there's already so much blue hahahaha. 

well i love you guys and ill write you again next week!!(: maybe check on and see if they put up any pictures of ELder Cook visiting portugal!! haha, im sitting in the front on the floor in one of the pictures if it is up there haha

this was me saying goodbye to our Branch President Ruberval Souza and his wife Sheila and sister Rose..... they gave me a really nice Brasil soccer jersey haha

this was me saying good bye to the Jeffers (a missionary couple from my last area) they got me a little batman thing haha

this was by far the hardest goodbye i've ever had to say..... haha i cried worse than Denis and Lucas, but i hear that they're doing great which is awesome. actually their mom had to go to the hospital after i left, because she had been crying so much and couldn't stop that she dehydrated herself and they had to put an IV in her haha...... Beja is the first place im going when i come back here

this is some from the neighborhood called Texas that came out to say goodbye the night i found out i was getting transfered

 now im in a 6 elder house (hahahahhaha its a nonstop party) and this is Elder williams, he goes home in a few weeks and he aint my comp, but we're in the same house which is way dope cuz we've been friends for a while in the mission, and now since im in Lisbon i ride the metro like a trillion times a day haha, its suuuuuuch a different lifestyle here haha but its sweet. this is us goinog down into the metro

and this is elder williams again, in our new chapel here in Lisbon.... it used to be an old mansion and they turned it into a church, so it kinda feels like you're in a disney land ride haha its sweet
so this is outside our chapel mansion haha, a big ole thing of Poseidon!! haha
and this is a missionary couple the Markhams, they know Grandpa Lynn Dayton! haha

 so these are two tiny Filipino's hahah (sorry i have no idea how to spell it in English, so there it is in português) the tiny one in yellow is 25!! haha, she just got baptized on saturday hahaha they're soooooo funny!

 and this is 4 of the 6 elders in our house, left to right goes Elder Williams and Bianucci (comps) then me and my compe elder Huntington, who by the way is super dope

and these are some sisters who are trying to flirt to convert people who are already converted hahaha and my new comp elder Huntington

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