Friday, May 2, 2014

April 21, 2014

Daily life in Portugal
Zach's camera broke :(  So no new pics. And he is short on detail lately, and you'll see a theme of that for the next several letters!

Hi momma!!(:

haha, i havent sent details in a while cuz not much has changed!! im still in the same place! but my new comp is freakin rad, he's super fun and cool. but i dont have any pictures to send cuz my stupid camera is broken :( the video still works, but the pictures are all wack, which called kinda blows haha, but sometime this week im gonna take it to a place to see if they can fix it, cuz if not im buying a new one:/ but i do have some requests por favor, if you take them(: next time you send a package can you send more of that acne medicine? i ran out and its not very pretty haha, and also can you send some Fiji anti-persperant deoderant? the deoderant here sucks haha. but neither of those things are emergencies!! so just whenever then next time is pretty please throw those in too!(:

well like i said, not much has changed, but we are having a baptism on the 26th of April!!! His name is Carlos and he's a freakin stud. he's like fifty and is actually excited about getting baptized!! i think i talked about him last week though haha(: 

and luckies!! make sure you take a lot of sick pics of Hawaii!!! and also make sure the boys take time and enjoy lacrosse!! everytime i talk about it it makes me so sad cuz all of a sudden its over:( haha but thats kinda how life goes i guess.... it just sucks and then you die.....(; hahahaha i say that all the time to my comp, he thinks its kinda funny, but not as funny as i think it is(: nah we're actually having a lot of fun together(: 

and this is kinda weird... but how tall are all the boys and how much do they all weigh?? im afraid im gonna get home and be the smallest one hahaha but we'll see!(: i'll still kick all their butts!! we have a member who's gonna start teaching us some boxing and MMA on P Days, which is gonna be so freakin sick!!

well i think that's about it! i gotta go soon cuz we got another basketball game to dominate!! its funny, cuz out of everything you learn on a mission, so far it seems like the thing that im learning fastest is how to play basketball hahaha, but its cool cuz now we have a ton of friends our age in our area that all like us, so maybe one day they'll get converted!! haha

well i love you guys all and i miss you guys!!!  and mother's day is the 18th of May, but ill have more specific info a little later, sorry!! haha, tomorrow we have a Zone Conference and Pres Fluckiger will be there, so he'll probably talk about it with us(:

but until then i love you guys!!! and pretty pretty please invite some of my friends over for the mother's day skype too so i can see them all!!!!(: hahaha(: love you guys so much!!! fica bem!!!(:

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