Zachary Turns 20!!
Happy Birthday!!
Hey Momma!
i know haha, i cant believe how fricken old i am, it really actually freaks me out that now when people ask how old i am, i have to say im 20 haha, i cant say im a teenager anymore! :(
1. What did you do for you bday besides church?
1. thats really all we did for my birthday haha. we helped a family get to church and get back after. they have a member of their family who is disabled and in a wheel chair so we helped with that, it was pretty fun, i got to hang out with some cool little kids for a while haha. then i worked on college crap (i must be a responsible non-teenager or something), then we went to dinner at Sofia's.
2. Did Sophia make you dinner? What did you eat?
2. Sofia made carne assada cuz she know's its like one of my favorite things haha, it was super yummy even though its pretty different from Mexican carne assada haha, and her whole family came in for dinner haha, it was pretty fun:)
3. What are you looking forward to eating when you get home?
3. holy crap where does the list begin? mexican food, panda express, fire house subs, mexican food, smoked turkey, mexican food, FRENCH DIP, smash burger, fudruckers, mexican food.... ya know, stuff of that sort
dang haha, thats really impressive to read it in 3 days, i bet it was almost like watching a movie haha, that would be super cool. i'll admit, i got pretty far behind in my book of mormon reading, but im catching up now. im ready about 3 chapters a day in portuguese, but im still in Mosiah. but you better believe that im gonna catch up and finish before i come home! yea my two favorite people in the book of mormon are Captain Moroni and Teancum. actually the story of Teancum has helped me to find some answers to some questions in my life haha, who'da thunk??
4. How is your Book of Mormon reading going in Portuguese? Are you on Alma Ch 46? I have really enjoyed reading this time, thanks for the challenge!
4. so i guess i just gave that answer above haha
5. How are the ward members?
5. the ward members are awesome. a lot are out of town cuz its still summer break here, school doesnt start until september, but its super awesome being with them again.
6. Are you teaching any new investigators? Or do you have any baptisms scheduled?
6. yea we've got a few new investigators, most are still in the deciding stage if they really want to talk to us or not haha, but we do have 2 baptisms for this weekend. A man who has been less active for a long time has a son, and has been living with a woman (who will soon be his wife) with a daughter, and they all live together as a family. they are not married yet, because the woman is recently divorced, and Portugues law states that a woman has to wait at least 10 months after a divorce before she can marry again, but they are living the law of chastity. Our mission pres interviewed them both and feels that they can be baptised. so the man is already a member, and the woman's daughter was baptised a few weeks ago, this weekend the woman and the man's son will be baptised. kinda complicated, but in the end it comes out as an eternal family, so not much to complain about;) haha
7. How is Elder Condor? Was that his name???
7. hahaha is name is elder C O R D O N, but when my mish pres said he was gonna be my comp, he had trouble saying his name cuz he doesnt speak english, so i though it was Condor like the bird. well on Boomerang on CartoonNetwork channel there was an old cartoon called The Condor Man about some super hero that had condor wings or whatever, so we literally call him Elder "The Condor Man" hahaha. he's a really cool guy, he's really trying to keep me on track these last 3 months of my mission hahaha, holy crap no slack in his chain haha, but its fun.
8. Did Pres get the ecclesiastical endorsement done for BYU?
8. I have no idea about the Ecclesiastical endorsement, but we have a conference with him on Thursday so i can talk to him about it then:)
9. Please share your testimony!!!
9. i know you may not like this answer, but i feel kinda weird just sharing a testimony over email haha, but i can share a really cool expirience if you want!:) so on sunday morning we went to a family's house to help them come to church, not all of them are members. well its a woman who's probably almost 50, then 4 little kids with ages 7, 8, 9, and 11, and then one of the lady's daughters who is disabled and in a wheel chair. Not to mention portuguese cobblestone roads stink and make it really hard to push a wheel chair. anyways we helped the family to and from church, and it was tough, even with us 4 missionaries, it really drove the point home into my head that i should never have an excuse of not going to church, because it is incredible what this woman does every week. she's a very simple woman, but she really understands the importance of the ordinance of the sacrament and of the rest of church.
10. (im putting my own answer here just cuz i love you) i got the packages today! your's and Grammy and Grandad's package! and oh my heck the t-shirt and tie are soooo freakin cool!! hahahahahaha and i laughed sooooo hard when i opened up that blue bouncy ball thing haha, i was opening it and trying to figure out what it was just like what the heck did they send me, then i saw the handle hahaha, thank you! and oh my lanta the Hot Cheetos get better and better every time i swear, im gonna be an addict when i get home haha.
well i love you guys a ton, i gotta run now, i dont have much time left. cuz you know im not a teenager anymore, so since im so old i dont have much time left hahahaha...... I DONT LIKE BEING 20 haha,
have a good week! love you guys
so all of Sofia's family came over for the birthday dinner and to hang out for a while, it was fun to see all of them again
treking to church!
so this is my new comp elder Cordon (we call him elder "The Condor Man" haha).
gotta get that fix!!! this time we went during Happy Hour and got the Suzie Special, with fricken peanut butter M&M's haha, it was so good!
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