More Changes for Zach
me saying goodbye to my old comp
Hey Momma!
im not gonna lie either, im really excited to see you guys too haha, i feel like i havent seen you guys in forever! holy crap im super excited to show you guys around portugal! i think that hardest part is gonna be to decided which area to go to church in haha, but we've still got time to decide that! oh sweet, do you know where exactly in oeiras? like the exact spot or train station near it? and sweet, im super excited haha ive never driven a minivan before! holy crap im super stoked! AAAHHHH i cant believe how fast time has gone by, i cant believe its almost over haha.
okay well news from my end: i have a new comp now, and im training!! his name is Elder Cordon, and he's super sick. his dad was a mission pres in brasil a few years back, and so my comp lived in brazil for three years, so he already speaks the language haha, which totally rocks for me(;
okay, on to the questions:
red questions are from mom
1. How is the BYU essay going? Try to finish it today!!!
1. im just about done with the essay, ill be able to finish it tomorrow, but probably wont have time today
2. Did your Pres. submit an ecclesiastical endorsement?
2. i submitted the endorsement thing to Pres but he said he didnt get it, so i gave him my username and password and he's gonna try to figure it out haha
3. Have you witnessed any miracles lately? Our lesson in Sunday school today talked about how we have miracles happen in our lives daily and it made me think of you.
3. I'll be honest, at least lately no not really any miracles, its been pretty stressful with my old comp and an emergency transfer and all that stuff, but ill be able to explain that better in person here in a couple of months haha(;
4. I sent you a package for your birthday last Monday, but I already had it in the mail when you mentioned you need hair gel and deodorant. So I’ll mail that tomorrow, is there anything else you need?
4. THANK YOU for the package haha(: i havent got it yet, but i'll keep my eyes out for it. i think all i really need is hairgel and deodorant haha, and hot cheetos!!(; haha
5. How are your contacts holding out? I was wondering if I need to make you an eye appointment for like the day you get home?
5. i should be perfect on contacts, i think one box should be a little over a transfer, and i have three boxes left, and only 2 1/2 transfers left, so i should be good(: i have no idea about an eye appt, but if i start working i think im gonna start saving up for Lasic, isnt it like a grand or so?
6. Can you believe you are going to be 20 in a week!!!!!!!?????
6. DONT TALK ABOUT THAT haha it freaks me out!
7. What will you do for fun on your birthday? Besides go to church, since it’s a Sunday ;)
7. Sofia invited us all over to her house for some big dinner haha, so besides going to church on my b-day ill probably just be getting fat haha
8. Who are the Elders in the pic with you from the Metro?
8. i cant remember which picture you're talking about haha, but i have some more that i'll send and ill name them all(:
9. Are you riding the metro everyday again?
9. yea we ride the metro at least twice a day haha, but only a few of the stations have those things to send pictures so i cant send them very often :/
i laughed pretty hard at the part about mason punching your board hahaha, holy crap i miss goofing around with those goons! tell them they better be ready cuz im getting in shape and im gonna kick every single one of their butts haha! oh and one more thing for christmas, can i have an altitude training mask pretty please??(:
well i gotta run, but im gonna send some pictures right now, i love you guys!! have a good week, GOOD LUCK STARTING SCHOOL ALREADY holy crap where did the summer go? haha love you guys(:
and i ran into Joseph!!
so im training again, and this is my son Elder Cordon! we call him either cordon blue (like that weird food) or we call him The Condor Man haha. he's a really cool guy and is pretty funny. but the cool thing is that he lived in brazil for 3 years, so he already speaks portugues perfectly haha, which totally rocks for me haha. oh and that's my other comp, Marilyn Manroe haha, she does all the cooking and cleaning in our house
we went by the American Diner again... i just had to get my milkshake fix....
so here are some pic of my area, it goes all the way down to the Tejo River, we spend a lot of time working down in the boondocks, but on this day we were a bit aways and it kinda had a cool view i guess haha
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