Sharing the Book of Mormon saves Souls!
this is Semedo!! he was baptised on sunday!
Hey Momma!!
hahahaha, im not gonna lie, if i was in shape enough to be a Ranger as soon as i got home i would probably leave a lot sooner haha, but seeing as how a missionary body doesnt cut it, im gonna have some time, so i guess college is a pretty good idea(; and okay, tomorrow we have a big meeting in the Mission Office with all the zone leaders in the mission with Pres Fluckiger, so after the meeting i'll do my best to remember to talk to him about it. i should probably write it down haha. i'll have to remember to do that.....
haha, okay NOW i know which girl it is haha, and im not gonna lie, she looks really cute in that picture! you guys have no idea.... like the portugues people are awesome... but there a very very few attractive girls here haha. im sure Dad can explain what "mission goggles" are haha, but im suffering here!!! hahaha. and i thought you would like that picture of me carrying the shopping bags haha, and im sure that that sister has a wonderful spirit..... but she aint my type! haha you guys dont have to worry about me falling in love on my mission... you cant light a fire with no firewood!!
And we had one baptism yesterday, the other man had something come up and was unable to come, so he will be baptised next saturday!! and i have a bunch of pictures, but i'm gonna send them tomorrow, we have very little time today and so we'll get a little bit of time tomorrow(: and ill send some pictures of our Pday today too, we went to this surfing competition on the beach, it was pretty sick, then we played some more football (this American football you guys sent me for my birthday is like famous in the mission because they dont sell them here and im like one of the only missionaries that has one). but dont worry, i didnt bust my lip open this time, but i wish that we got the game on video. cuz i woulda put that game on Youtube and i'd already have a signing contract with every NFL team in America haha. i had a pretty good game today(; but ill send the pics tomorrow!
And the man that was baptised is super sick. his kids are all grown up and moved out of the house, but like 10 years ago or so when they left, his kids left a Book of Mormon in his house. well he started to read it and really liked it, but didnt know which church it belonged to. so then like 2 months ago a member here finally convinced him to come to church with him. he didnt want to because he really wanted to find the church that the Book of Mormon belonged to, but he didnt know that it was the LDS church haha. so when he showed up here and saw Books of Mormons everywhere he got super excited and wanted to be baptised, so we taught him everything, and yesterday his friend that brought him to church in the first place baptised him(:
yea! Joseph Leung (i still dont like calling him Elder Leung haha, thats wierd) got shipped off the island, and now he's in my zone!! So i'll get to see him on wednesday when we have our zone meeting! i wont do a division with him cuz zone leaders only do them with district leaders in their zone, but its cool that we're in the same zone. and you can tell his parents that he's a darn good worker, he's really hittin the dirt out in his area! is in Amadora now, in the area that i was in before coming to where i am now! the place that is like Africa haha!(:
and yes I NEED CONTACTS PRETTY PLEASE!!! haha, i realized a few days ago that i only have enough contacts for like another 3 weeks, so if you could send some i would really appreciate it haha. and yes please send Hot Cheetos, and could you send some hot sauce too please?? something really hot like Tapatio's or something, i miss HOT hot sauce haha. but im good on deoderant. maybe could you send me like an America Flag tie or something?? i would just fricken die to have a tie like that haha.
and thats cool, i didnt know that about Elder Bednar. but the thing is that he isnt coming for the missionaries. he's coming for the members, he's just doing like a multi-stake conference in lisbon. i talked a little bit with the office elders, and they were saying that as long as Fluckiger is here we wont get ipads (i think its just something he doesnt want to deal with haha). but maybe once he goes home and we have the new mission pres's, Bednar will come back to give us ipads haha.
and right now we're especially teaching this family from Ecuador. all for of them will get baptised together very soon, maybe this weekend, but more likely next weekend. its a mother and father, with a 14 year old son and a 10 year old son. and they super cool and pretty funny. i really hope that they can all get baptised this weekend, but itll be an awesome baptism! the 10 year old son just showed up one day to the church here and was like "i wanna be baptised" haha. they have family who are members, and the kid has always loved the church, so he's like brought his whole family into the church, its pretty sick.
well i get to sending those pics tomorrow!(: i love you all so much, and ill talk to you guys next week, love you!!(:
well we found out that we got lost and ended up in a wrong town after about a 2 hour walk haha, so we made up for it by going to a store and getting some chocolate muffins and Monsters haha
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