Friday, April 10, 2015

April 7, 2015

Happy Easter!!

My boy makes me LAUGH!!
in this mall by our house there was this huge easter bunny with such a nice smile, and he was so friendly still he started munchin' on my arm 

Hey Momma!!
so first off i'm very sorry, but once again i will have to send pictures later haha, our pdays have been kinda of hectic, so when i finally get a chance to send the pics to you, i have A TON to send haha. 

(He's referring to a college ecclesiastical endorsement)
I talked to Pres Fluckiger about it. he said that its something you have to do, then when its ready you send it to him and then he gives the endorsment?? haha, he didnt know that process very well, but he said to ask our Stake President cuz he should know. Is Pres Whimpey still the pres?? or is everything still the same? haha, and actually of my best buds, 3 of them are from AZ and are going to ASU, 1 of them was the elder that i ran into that wednesday morning in the airport on the way up to the MTC, his name is Elder Riggs and he's from Grand Canyon or something like hahahaha i cant remember what the city is called, hes not from the Grand Canyon, but the name of the city is something like that haha. 

And i still know nothing about skype, im sure that we're gonna do it, but where im gonna do it depends on next transfer, which is the last weekend of April. and yes, you can send it to the mission office, that address will never change(: unless i get transfered this next transfer and go to the north for the mission split... but dont jinx me haha, i wanna stay in the south. 

The family from Ecuador didnt get baptised because they had some family things come up, but we're gonna visit them tomorrow and they're gonna get baptised this coming up weekend!!(:

hahaha, i got on a members phone to add you on facebook so that you can see more pictures (she takes a lot of pictures for the ward and takes pictures of me and my comp alot, her named is Cristina, add here cuz she has a ton of pics haha) and on your front page i saw a video of aunt Delayne dancing, hahahahahaha holy crap i forgot how awesome our family is hahaha, i was laughing so hard. you guys are so lucky to have them all down for the week, im so excited to see everyone again, i cant believe how big everyone looks in the pictures haha. 

and Devin wrote me about her papers, i told her 10 bucks says i bet you come to portugal! haha, but then i thought it would be waaaaaay to weird to have to call her Sister Dayton hahahahaha, its weird enough to call Joseph "Elder Leung" haha, oh and by the way, we did Bowling again today, and out of the missionaries who went Joseph went! it was super fun, and its way funny cuz i kept calling him Joseph haha, i just cant get it into my thick skull that now he's Elder Leung haha. 

and dang holy crap..... that's super weird to think about Jack and Jared going on missions hahaha, but thats so awesome! im probably gonna have like nobody from our priest's quorum home when i get back haha! that sucks! oh well haha, itll be sick. im really gonna have to step it up at the Turkey Bowl on Thanksgiving haha. 

please be sure to take a ton of pictures with the cousins! im taking pictures too i promise, i just cant send them right now haha, but i will soon!

and when you send the tie could you send some more face wash?? i dont really use the other two bottles of whatever creme they are, but i use the face wash every day in the shower and im running low. and could you please please PLEASE send an altitude mask??? its not gonna distract from the work at all, our mission gets up at 7:00am, but i get up at about 6:45 every morning to about an hour to jump rope and work out before studies, and i would really appreciate having an altitude mask!! i need to get in shape!(:

well i love you all so much and im a little jealous of the cousin love you guys are all getting this week, but dont worry, cuz there will be plenty of time for goofing off with the cousins for the rest of my life after haha(; LOVE YOU GUYS!!(:

service project! we painted this guys house cuz he was to short to reach all the way to the top of his wall hahaha, plus he's pretty old but he's super cool

this is the wife of the dude's house we painted, she's super funny haha, and super buff!!

haha, they have a little grandson staying with them, so i kept playing with him... remind ya of anyone??(;
 even though im in portugal, i've still got the Arizona habit of parking in the shade haha

BOWLING AGAIN!! haha, its funny cuz im actually getting pretty good now cuz we go so much, i kicked everyone's but yesterday!

then after bowling a member picked us up and took us out to lunch. they're from India, but lived in Utah for like 10 years so they speak english perfectly, and now they've been living here in portugal for like a year or so. this is the 17 year old son Alex, he's super cool and is actually gonna end up going to BYU and rooming with my comp haha. they're a super sick family 
 this is last Pday, we went to the other side of the river out to the beach called Costa da Caparica cuz there was a big surf competition going on so we went to check it out with some other missionaries. well they had a hummer there! its like the first one i've seen since ive been here haha, then we chilled for a while in some cool beanbag chair things just shooting the breeze and reminiscing about Cali hahaha

then we got our 'MuricaLand on and played some football for a few hours, but this time i didnt bust my lip open haha

then to get back to the other side of the river we took this ferry that was pretty sick. its the first time ive been on a boat since i left haha 
so i was doing this salute pose, and his random guy saw me doing it, so he was like "here take this hat, it makes it way better" haha, so he gave me his hat for the picture, and he was right.... the hat makes it so much better(; haha

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