Zach being Zach!
I guess if you take a highlighter and it catches the flash of a camera just right it looks like a light saber!
Of course Zach learned this MTC fun fact quick! He will always be a little kid at heart and that is what we love about him!!
Here is his latest letter:
thanks for sending pictures!! its weird cuz i feel like i have so much to say, and then i sit down to type and i go blank! haha, but holy crap i just turned to my comp and asked him how many days we have left.... 14!!!!! i literally leave in TWO FREAKIN WEEKS!! im so stinkin excited to get out of here!!
yes i got the sd card, and it already has some sweet videos on it! haha, im not gonna tell you about them cuz i want them to be a surprise, but get ready.... theyre pretty sweet(:
eu nao sei que dizer sobre minha semana, qual e estranga, mas eu estou a aprender muito portugues! (por David ele e 'aprendendo') eu amo issa lingua, eu sento como ele e uma lingua bonita! ele e muito otimo que eu posso fazer no portugues, posso ter entire conversaos com meus profesores, e eu posso comprender eles quando eles ensinam nos! eu estou descupe que este email e muito poqueno, mas eu nao sei dizer! se eu posso pensar sobre mais coisas dizer voces, entao eu vo depois almorzo ou algum... mas eu amo todos voces!!
oh yea i almost forgot!! the temple here has been closed, but it opened yesterday, so we get to go to the temple today at 2:30!! im so stoked to finally be able to!(:
my freakin companion just started tickling me! haha this dude is one of my best friends by far! i swear people look at us and wonder if we were friends before the MTC, cuz we just get along so well! i wrote you guys a letter this morning, so i dont want to repeat a bunch of stuff in this email, but i love you all and miss all yall so much!(:
if i think of more stuff to write i will later today when i have more time!
amor, amor, amor, AMO VOCE SEMPRE,
Elder Dayton(:
Zach and his Comp
Zach and his District
Zach leading some goofy missionaries
Zach being Zach
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