Zach sent a ton of pics and captions along with his latest letter
Here are a few:
our whole zone did the "cereal challenge" where we ate an entire dispenser of Captain Crunch, it was awesome!!
This is my companion Elder Arnold and i in traffic duty last wednesday when we were hosting the new missionary arrivals, haha it was so fun!(:
my companion's girflriend's mom made us both beanies! haha but theyre huge!! |
Glad to see Zach is still Zach!!
Zach is doing amazing! He is loving it!! Here is his latest letter!
Minha familia!! eu estou tao animado para ir a Portugal na uma semana!!! its so freakin close i cant wait!! this last friday we did a thing called TRC, which i dont know what it stands for, but we Skyped a guy in portugal and got to talk with him for almost an hour, it was so rad!! the language is coming along so well but i know when i get there ill feel like i pretty much know nothing but im still so freakin stoked!! AAAHHHHHH!!!!! i have my travel itinerary and ill send a picture of it in a little bit if i can, but basically it goes:
LV: Salt Lake City, UT -- 12:35 PM 21 JAN 2014
AR: Dallas/Ft Worth, TX -- 4:15 PM 21 JAN 2014
LV: Dallas/Ft Worth, TX -- 8:20 PM 21 JAN 2014
AR: London Heathrow, England LHR -- 11:25 AM 22 JAN 2014
LV: London Heathrow, England LHR -- 3:25 PM 22 Jan 2014
AR: Lisbon, Portugal -- 6:05 PM 22 JAN 2014
i will get to call from the airport, i can buy like 5 dollar phone card things here, so the times i will probably be able to call are at the SLC airport and the airport in Texas!!:) And im pretty sure there are 17 others all going to Portugal at the same time!!
I wish you guys could have your own six weeks to be up here, the things ive learned spiritually are so incredible!! D&C Section 109 is an all around amazing scripture, and i definitely recommend reading it! if thats the wrong number for some reason, its the Dedicatory Prayer for the Kirtland Temple, but the things that Joseph Smith prophesies and promises are so gnarly!! i cant remember what verses exactly, but i think its like 38 - 44 or something... anyways its talking about the Lord's servants and asking blessings on them and the people and cities they serve... sooo cool!! that scripture along with Alma 29 are my favorite missionary scriptures I've found yet(:
My testimony has been strengthened here like i never thought was possible, like i dont see how people can see the Gospel and the Book of Mormon and the life and history of Joseph Smith and say that its not true, like are you kidding me?! I've had the opportunity to give a couple blessing here.... holy crap its the coolest thing ive ever done! i go in all nervous and unsure of what to say, and i just said a quick littler prayer in my head to let the Spirit guide me, and i swear it was like my spirit came out of my body and the Holy Ghost just took over, and i was watching the prayer in third person! after the prayer i couldnt hardly remember anything i said, but at the same time its something that i will never forget. When we put our faith and trust in the Lord, i know without a shadow of a doubt that he picks up our weaknesses and makes us strong. Im so thankful for the testimony i have been given since ive been here, dont any of you ever dare to be afraid to put your trust in the Lord, because he IS there, and he DOES love all of us, and he WILL make you strong, so long as you are obedient and faithful(: Digo estas coisas en nome de Jesus Cristo, Amen.
I'll have more time to write later, but right now im going to get my haircut for the first time!! Eu amo todos voces tao tao muito, por sempre e sempre!!
Elder Dayton...... POR LISBOA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (: <3
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