General Conference
Zach sent me two emails separately and after I got the first I thought is was a bad joke...
Hey Momma!
Second email...
haha whoops, i didnt mean to just send that by its self haha, anyways...
got to go back and visit my old area Oeiras, this is Elder Yancey, we're in the same house right now and he also served here, so we went back together, it was weird going back haha but it was cool
first off happy birthday and i love you so much(: second off, holy crap i cant believe you lucky dogs down there in mexico! haha for real that place looks so pretty! tell Gavin to save me a piece of that corn! save me a piece of that corn for later! you know whats funny, you guys probably arent too far away from Bronson haha, he's in Mexico City.... thats a funny thought.
yea conference was awesome! especially the sunday morning session, i thought all the talks were super good. but holy crap during Monson's talk Sunday Morning i thought he was gonna die at the podium! he was baring testimony at the end of his talk, and he starting having to support himself with his arms on the podium and starting sinking a little bit, then he kinda started slurring his words and repeating words, it was dang scary. I straight thought he was gonna say Amen, then just die right there. But he finished, then Uchtdorf stood up to help him back to his chair, it was nuts! I still havent seen the sunday afternoon session because of the time difference, so im gonna have to figure out a time when i can watch it, cuz i really wanna see it.
Well i guess winter is getting here, its been raining like crazy all night last night and all day today haha, good thing i just love the cold, windy rain..... haha(; i hope the rain holds off for like another week and a bit, cuz i come home in 51 days, so if it waits and starts raining when i have 40 days left, then i hope it keeps raining until i leave with out stopping, then it would be like noah hahahaha, but instead of me finding dry ground after, i just fly back to az! that would be funny haha.
Elder Holland gave a talk that i know will make you cry haha, but in a good way.... now that im thinking about it, i bet it will make dad cry even more haha, it was a really good talk. and the testimonies of the 3 new apostles were all awesome, i really really like the testimony of the 3rd... you'll have to check it out!(;
so we write an email to our mish pres every week, and he responds every week. well this week he wrote me a letter that im gonna share with you even though i dont want to, haha cuz i hate tooting my own horn, but i figure if i was a parent i would love to read this about my kid(; haha, he wrote it because right now im in a tri-panioship with 2 comps who both wanted to go home, but now both of them are doing great and neither want to go home which totally rocks. but anways here is what he wrote to me:
Grato a você Elder, quero ver como vou fazer para recuperar meus Missionários com problemas depois que você terminar a Missão. Realmente você tem um dom e sabe usá-lo, apenas não aja por impulso. Pode não acreditar, mas a Sister e eu sentiremos muito a tua falta.
haha i just copy and pasted his email in portugues then realized that im gonna have to translate it to english haha, hold on, this is what it says it english:
Thanks Elder, i need to figure out what im gonna do to fix my missionaries with problems after you end your mission. you truly have a gift and you know how to use it, just dont act soley on impulses. You may not believe it, but Sister (his wife) and i will greatly miss you.
hahaha, that last part about impulses is funny, me and sister Tavares (my mish pres's wife) have a great relationship, she's super funny, but she treats me exactly like a mom cuz she says im still such a child inside, but she says it in a good way haha. the other day she smacked my head cuz i was taking selfies on her ipad hahahaha, but then she couldnt even grab the ipad after cuz she was laughing so hard hahaha. im so excited for you guys to get to meet them, they're so cool(:
well i gotta run, but you guys better be living it up in freaking Mexico!! arriba!!! and happy happy birthday momma! i love you so much, im gonna be sending something in the mail soon!! its not huge cuz im poor haha, but be on the lookout for something!! love you!!(:
this is Elder Jiminez, one of my 2 companions right now, super sick guy from Costa Rica. we have such a riot together, hes trying to get my to go back and live with him in costa rica haha. and the others are some members from my old area Amadora, its awesome seeing old friends
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