Labor Day!
so Sofia taught me how to make clams the other night. holy crap i fricken love clams now, i ate that whole bucket by my self haha, they we're sooooo yummy!!
Hey Momma!
man, so its labor day, then your birthday, then Halloween...... then i come home!! haha holy crap, just three holidays away haha. im not like fat or nothing, i just am not in shape anymore haha, plus my gut sticks out farther than it used to haha, but i've already got a plan to fix that when i get home haha(: thats pretty sweet, is it a new gym? i dont remember that gym. im gonna want to just crossfit a bunch and get in really good shape haha. and i aint stressing out about working out or nothing, its just something that ive come to terms with that i need to fix!
thank you so much for fasting for her, she's been doing a lot better, and she seems like she's even more determined now to quit, which is awesome. yea the Word of Wisdom has been the hardest battle to over come my whole mission, its just rampant here :/ but its really awesome to be able to help people overcome their problems!
i got that video of Dad and Ammon wake surfing, that was fricken sweet! im a little bummed that im coming home in the winter cuz we wont be able to do anything at the lake or whatever, but who cares, its probably better, so that i can ease my self back into the blazing arizona summer haha(; and holy crap im super excited to be able to go to the boys' games and watch them play and be loud and the most annoying fan in the crowd haha, its gonna be sick!
so i cant remember exaclty where i am in the book of mormon, i think im in like alma 40 somthing, but ive switched from portugues to spanish hahaha(: i figured im already fluent in portugues, so i wanna work on my spanish a bit haha, plus i personally like spanish more than portugues too(; but the reading is coming along great, im super stoked that im finally getting into the war chapters haha, they're always my favorite(; and man, im soooo excited to be able to go to the temple again! i really miss it pretty badly! plus im super stoked to go to the Phoenix and the Gilbert temples, cuz neither of those were even around when i left haha, ive been gone forever!
haha yea Helio went to Germany for like 2 weeks or something just to visit, he's already back, he was at church yesterday. man he's soooo cool! next sunday ill do my best to try and remeber to take a pic with him to put on instagram so you can see haha(: and yea im pretty sure you'll get to all see him when we come!
well lately we've been teaching a couple new people. apparently one of them is like a pretty famous painter or something haha, he's a little bit weird but he's really nice and pretty cool. theres a part member family that we've been working with too and we're trying to help baptize the sons and complete the family, they're a super cool family, you guys will get to meet them too(: i dont know haha, its like once i sit down to type i cant really think of much of what we've been doing throughout the week haha, but its been going good! i bought my self a new suit today because my old one was ripping and all the suits are on like super end of summer sale, so thats why i took a chunk out of my bank account haha, but the suits are super nice and a fricken dirt cheap here!! its awesome! dont buy any suits for the boys or anything, cuz we can get some sweet ones here for really cheap when we come haha(:
well i gotta go so that i can send some pics real quick!! i love you guys all so much, have a gerd week!!(;
today we were going to this music store for this elder in the pic (elder Yancey) to get a guitar, and we found this sick statue thing in this park. it had like stairs and stuff and was made out of concrete, but it was way high up, so we climbed up and we're playing on it forever haha, it was sweet
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