One Week Till Mother's Day!!!
Hey Momma!!(: so we cannot do skype this year :( ......... hahahah just kidding(; we'll be doing skype at a members house on sunday. if i do skype at like 4:30 or 5:00pm here, it'll be like 9:30 or 10:00am in AZ, does that work for you guys? and what is your skype address? on sunday i'll be able to email freely, so we can coordinate better(: but yea im super excited too, its really weird to think that it'll be the last time haha!
i still do not have the package. the office hasnt been able to go get it because the post office (and all the government buildings) have been on holidays, so today is the first day that its been open in a while, so hopefully later today the office will get it and i'll be able to get it tomorrow or something haha. and you wont owe the mission anything, they just take it out of my monthly account, so dont worry(:
and yes, im very excited to be staying in oeiras! haha, its pronounced "oh - way - ruz" but you kinda roll the "R". Phillips and I get along great, we have a ton of fun together and get good work done too, i think thats why Pres kept us together haha. but its my stinkin 5th in a row as ZL, and we have interviews with Pres on the 19th, so im gonna ask him to train next transfer. and its going good with the Ecuador family, they come to church every week, and we're gonna go visit them tomorrow, and hopefully mark a day for all of them to be baptised this month, so we're pretty stoked for that!
okay sick! and while you guys are planning, can we come for at least a week please?! cuz right now im in my 6th area, and i will most likely have one more (and it'll probably be my last area, yikes! haha) and so if i end with 7 areas and we come for 7 days, that gives us a day to spend in each of the areas, to see the people and the sights and stuff! so maybe like 8 or 9 days if its possibly to have a day or two to just chill, or go do somthing cool?
and thats suuuuuuuuuper weird to see brig all dressed up for a dance with a smokin' date haha, he's getting way to fricken old! but that picture where brig is folding his arms and Brittany is laughing is wwaaaayyy funny cuz even though brig is huge now, i can still see him folding his arms and doing that little head flick thingy that he's done since he was tiny hahaha. and yea, at least they look HAPPY!! haha, thats probably the biggest difference hahahahaha, i love making fun of my past haha.
we had our zone meeting this past week, and theres a really cool video that we used about Wilford Woodruff's conversions story called "A Search For Truth". its a super cool story. other than that i've been asked to be the ward pianist... again haha. we didnt have anyone to play yesterday so i played (which was a mistake haha) and i guess they like it, so now im stuck! haha, make sure the boys are comfortable with playing the hymns! haha
well im super excited to see you guys on sunday! i love you so much, see y'all soon!!(:
a couple of days ago we were out walking, and someone had just left this perfectly good greek-style pillar by a dumpster haha, so i just had to take it home. haha, its made out of stone and is pretty heavy, i was getting some super funny looks from people on the train and stuff haha
the picture of us eating at the table is with a member named Rafael, he's like one of the sickest members ever. first off he's huge, and he does MMA, he's like a wizard on the piano and saxaphone, and he fricken has a motorcycle!! him and i always get distracted at church talking about bikes haha.
and then this old couple is just one of the funniest old couples ever. the old guy in the wheelchair can barely walk, but its super slow, so someone always gets him in the wheelchair, well now he always asks for me to push him cuz when i push him i make engine noises like its a sports car haha, and his wife can kinda speak english... kinda... and she tells me all the time "if you crash, i punch your face, i kill you!" haha but she's super nice, i have no idea what their names are though hahaha
so last week we had our zone meeting, and then after we had some elders over at our house for lunch. i can make some pretty mean chili, and we have a mexican elder in our zone haha, so i told him i would make him some, then some other elders overheard us and wanted in, so we all went back to our place and had a fricken fiesta haha. we even found some tortillas, and then got some lime and everything haha
and this was my breakfst this morning, a mango, some hot chili peppers, and a coca cola haha, breakfast of champs!
and here's their sick house that we made for them out of some cardboard boxes haha. they have this like space tunnel thing that connects the two boxes, a wheel for running, and some ramp thingy to climb. plus some very nice interior decorating haha. we're gonna give them Redbull this week and see how fast they can run on the wheel haha
I Love this Crazy Missionary of Mine!!
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