2015-It's a New Year
Hey Momma!!
HAPPY NEW YEARS!! haha, i've got a quick video on my camera of what i did on New Years, and im gonna send a thumb drive home soon, so i wont give it away just yet(; but my week was good(: it really doesnt feel like its 2015 though haha, probably just cuz every day here is like the same thing! haha, not like we do the same stuff, but like the routine of missionary life, its makes time fly by and holidays seem like every other day haha(: and hey! i dont know if i already said it but i got the package with the nerf guns!! hahaha thank you so much, you have no idea how much use those bad boys are getting in our house haha(: haha and dont worry about me eating a ton when i get home, cuz my stomach has shrunk a ton on the mish. i know Elder Markham said that he had never seen anyone eat as much (and maybe thats true haha) but i aint the gut i used to be haha, my black hole is all filled with missionary filler(: but thats why im getting home the day before thanksgiving, so i can start right off with stretching the crap out of my stomach haha(: and its getting really cold here! haha its getting into the negatives (in Celsius, i have no idea what it is in Farenheit haha) so i pack on two sweaters and a jacket usually haha(: and no i didn't get to blow anything up or even see any fire works! so get ready for when i get home cuz i gotta pack three years into one!(;
And tell Brig and Mace that those fools need to send me some pics of what they're doing with their lives too! i wanna see some offroading and bonfires and whatnot!(; haha and im glad you like those statue pictures, you're gonna love this thumb drive with these videos that im gonna send soon(: haha its getting close!!
and the studying that i've been doing this week has been awesome!! i've been reading my Patriarchal Blessing with my Book of Mormon, Bible, and a Dictionary, which is so cool! like go through and read your blessings with a dictionary and look any words that you arent 100% positive that you know every meaning of, because it will really expand what you thought you knew haha(:
and some other scriptures that i found this week are Job 23:10 - 12; D&C 19:23 (use a dictionary and look up the definition of meek); and Alma 26 is incredible, so read it all(:
well i've got to run soon, but i love you guys all so much, and im praying for you all nonstop!(: i'll talk to you guys next week!(:
I got to see Elder Beckstrand also! if you dont remember him its Becky from Beja, captain of the goon squad haha
and elder Boyd!!!!!! haha, my first comp in Beja!! and its so fricken funny cuz he's from Ireland and used to not like America or guns, but now he loves both haha!!! and if you ask him who broke his hatred of America, he'll give a sly grin and say "that chuffin' elder Dayton" hahahahaha. a group of us were talking about guns at Mission Council, and all of a sudden Boyd walks up and is like "ooh are we talking about guns? i love guns!" hahaha 'MURICA LAND!!!
here's that darn fricken cute puppy again, haha i got its owner to name him Salazar haha(:
so we were out walking one night and we found this sketchy dock at the bottom of a hill by the big Rio Tejo (for you non-fluent folk, rio means river haha) that cuts Lisbon in half... so i had to shimmy my way out to the edge while singing Shimmy by System of a Down haha
here's a nice view of a part of our area that looks on down to the Rio Tejo

so we had Mission Council last week! i got to see good ole Elder Horne the Giant!! hahaha, elder Horne stayed then night in our house the night before, and we stayed up till almost 3 in the morning talking about guns, trucks, hunting, and everything else manly, then i got up at 5:30am to shower, cuz we had 10 missionaries in our house, and we all had to leave before 8:00am with one bathroom haha(:
and elder Boyd!!!!!! haha, my first comp in Beja!! and its so fricken funny cuz he's from Ireland and used to not like America or guns, but now he loves both haha!!! and if you ask him who broke his hatred of America, he'll give a sly grin and say "that chuffin' elder Dayton" hahahahaha. a group of us were talking about guns at Mission Council, and all of a sudden Boyd walks up and is like "ooh are we talking about guns? i love guns!" hahaha 'MURICA LAND!!!
haha, and another round of Horne and "big dog" Bryan haha, these are some grade A studs right here(:
so we were out walking one night and we found this sketchy dock at the bottom of a hill by the big Rio Tejo (for you non-fluent folk, rio means river haha) that cuts Lisbon in half... so i had to shimmy my way out to the edge while singing Shimmy by System of a Down haha
here's a nice view of a part of our area that looks on down to the Rio Tejo
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