Working Hard!
this is Giovani!!!!! he's a little stud haha, he's 10 years old, and he and some other family members are gonna be baptized soon!! 
Hey Momma!!
yea actually the sun has come out the past two days, which is sooooo nice haha(: its just colder than cold!! haha, which i guess isnt to bad, but this Arizona skin dont help me too much haha(; and yea, i cant believe how fast time is flying!! its freaks the crap out of me haha! yea, i believe that November 24th of 2015 is a tuesday, which is the day that i will be getting on a plane to fly home!! and i dont know why we lose a few weeks, i guess its just the way it works out!
Oh man that turkey looks sooo good haha, and man to see you guys in short sleeves tshirts and shorts haha, im like freezing my butt of here!! haha, but at least the sun has come out lately!(: and i was wondering, if you guys come and get me, ill miss thanksgiving with the family, so maybe we'll have to think a little bit about a trip! haha, its just now that i realized it, so ill have to put more thought into it later! and that's awesome!! ive been telling brandon to go visit forever! haha, im glad he finally went, he actually had been saying that he missed being at our house haha. but yea i talk with brandon every week about all kinds of different stuff, but yea mostly about what he's doing at asu and what im doing here, yea it seems like he's loving ASU.
and no haha, Elder Eyring and Elder Perry went to the Vatican in Italy to give a big ol speech on marrige, its all over church news on so i didnt see them haha(: I saw Elder Cook the other week with their Stake President haha(:
Thanksgiving was pretty sweet, we just had a big ol' lunch and stuff, which was suuuuuuuuper good cuz Elder Williams in our house cooks soo good, it was awesome haha(: and we were gonna wake up early and go play football, but then it was cold and we were to tired and lazy haha. but we play catch in the house all the time haha, i love being in a 6 elder house! and no, the portugues dont celebrate Thanksgiving at all, but yea there's already been Christmas stuff out for like a month in the stores haha(:
That's sweet! haha i totally thought Ammon was 10 and gonna turn 11 hahahahahahahahaha|!!!!! thats what ive been telling people for like 2 months hahahahhahaha!!!!(: i just bought his b-day present today, so ill send it either today or tomorrow!! and im gonna start putting together a christmas package, its a little bit easier to do shopping here cuz im so close to the ginormous mall hahaha(: is there anything in specific that anyone wants from Portugal? haha(:
well our week has been awesome, we're getting a ton of work done here, there are so many awesome people here! this coming up week, its looking like we're gonna have a few baptisms!! so keep us and them in your prayers so that it all goes well!!(: there are a ton of people here that are just super ready for the gospel!
well i got to the computer this week and realized that i didnt have to many pictures, so ill try to take more during this week to send!(: oh and yea, the package came by the house, but i wasnt home, so im gonna go pick it up from the mail office soon!! thank you so much!!(: i love you all, talk to you next week!!(:
HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!!!!!!!!! well we didnt get turkey, but in our 6 elder house, one cooks suuuuuuper good, and he made duck, mashed potatoes, some other awesome kind of potatoes, and a ton of other stuff that i cant remember haha, but it was soooo good, its so awesome to be in a 6 elder house, cuz when we all eat its like a big family hahaha
this is Mwamba!! its the traditional Angolan dish haha, Paulo Jorge made it for us, it was very..... african hahaha, but it wasnt too bad haha(:
Zach is learning a lot about the African Culture!!
this is at an investigators house named Paulo Jorge, he's from Angola (like deep south africa haha) and he's sooo funny, hes like 6'3" and speaks english perfectly, and is a HUGE basket ball stud and NBA fan, which is funny cuz the NBA basically doesnt exist here haha, but every time we go in his house he's watching basketball
we went for a little adventure in the city haha, it was just weird to be walking along a dirt trail while being surrounded by huge buildings hahaha #citylife
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