Zach will always be Zach!!
Hey Momma!!(:
My week has been pretty sweet! I love being here in Beja so much, Me and the guys in this house have just gotten so close, it'll be tough when the time comes to leave. Transfers are the 9th of November, and im probably going to be leaving Beja, but until then Im still here with Elder Roberts(: Our day to day has been awesome, this last week we just got down and hit the dirt so hard, we worked like dogs this week, and it was honestly so much fun. i can't believe how fast the last two weeks have flown by! like holy crap we're already about into November! what the dump!? im creeping up on a year..... that's just not right haha, it freaks me out if i think too much about it, kind of like trying to comprehend eternity.... so i just kinda shove it off and try not to think about it haha(:
Our ZOne Conference was awesome. Pres talked a bunch on focusing on the Book of Mormon in the conversion of an investigator, because the Book of Mormon is what the Church of Christ is built on, and it's what makes us different from any other Church. Joseph Smith himself said "it is the corner stone of our religion".
hmm ive never heard of an Elder Yarbrollo haha (dont tell him that!!) but you'll have to ask him where he served and who he served with!! haha, and i guess that's a good thing that he only had good stuff to say haha(:
And has anyone else from our ward or stake gotten their mission calls lately!? what about the mcbride boys?! im dying to hear about them haha(:
haha and dont feel like you failed me!! im honestly stoked cuz you sent me my two favorite ones haha(;
and i dont really need anything else right now, but maybe in the next package could you send some more face wash and stuff, that stuff you sent last time works really well(: AND HOT CHEETOS!! haha
well i gotta run, but i love you guys so much!! if you're looking for a good scripture check out Mosiah 3 and 4, its King Benjamin talking about the Atonement of Christ, and 2 Nephi 4 is super awesome too, its one of my favorties(:
I GOT TO GO FOR A RIDE IN A STRYKER!!!!!!!!! (the big tank with 4 wheels on each side) it was sooooooo sick!!!! but it was a ton of little kids who were riding, so i probably looked pretty funny waiting in line hahaha i was like the only one over 10 years old haha. but who cares it was so dope! i got a sick video too, but i cant send that:(
Here's me and my son in front of the castle in Beja.... this is where we are planning to go if the Zombie Apocalypse hits while we're here haha
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