While we were in San Diego...
Aw man Cali looks awesome!! thats like my favorite weather at the beach you lucky punks!! just yesterday the temperature dropped a bunch here! its like 3 in the afternoon right now and its almost chilly!! haha, its gonna be a cold winter! haha. yea we got to watch just about all of conference, and in English, which rocked! haha. and yea, that brazilian guy we just turned off the translation to english and listened in portugues, cuz its way better without a translation, you get all the emotion in the voice, so it was super cool to be able to switch like that. and also that guy who spoke in spanish, portugues and spanish are so close that we could just listen to him and know what he was talking about almost perfectly, which was sweet too!
yea im gonna cry a bunch too when i have to leave this place, the people here have all become my family, and it will be so weird to have to say goodbye to them:/ and Elder and Sister Jeffers are a missionary Couple that just got assigned to our city of Beja with us, which totally rocks cuz they are sooooooooo funny and so nice and just all around awesome, ill be sure to take a bunch more pictures during this coming week!! And elder roberts and i are getting along great! i think he is my favorite comp yet, he's really loosened up and isnt too stressed, and we just get along like best buds, it makes the work so much better. and it makes living with him so much easier haha(;
I think Elder Holland's talk and Elder Richard G Scott's talk were my favorites. I took so many notes on the talk by Scott, i love when they talk about families and what we can do to make ours the best it can be. Cuz my patriarchal blessing talks about my future family, and... well you guys know what it says, i just want to make sure that my kids have the best defense possible for all the crud that they are going to go through. but i've still got quite a while before that(; haha

best 20 bucks i ever spent!! That's what I'm talking about!!

my main boys... elder Roberts (my son (on the left) ) and elder Beckstrand (on the right) repping the onezys like nobodies biddness...
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