Zach has been Serving the Lord for Six Months!
hey momma!! im super sorry, but today has been crazy and we have no time, so im just emailing to say that im gonna send a real email tomorrow!!(: love you! have fun in Hawaii!!
Zach sent the first note to let us know he'd write the next day. Alway the considerate boy! :)
Hey momma!
sorry about yesterday, an Elder got transfered out of here to fill a spot somewhere else, and it just made the whole day hectic haha. and you guys are in Hawaii now, so i have no idea when you'll get this, but here it comes anyways!(:
This past week was pretty good, and its getting pretty warm here too, but i've yet to feel it get hotter than good ol AZ and i doubt it will, so im not too worried(; haha but coming up in about a week and a half this city of Montijo is gonna be having huge parties or something, and they do kind of a mini "running with the bulls" where they block of a bunch of streets and let a bunch of bulls loose and everybody just goes nuts haha, its gonna be so sick!!! i guess like a year ago or so an Elder was doing this bull thing, and he ended up getting hit by the bull and stabbed in the butt by its horn hahaha, but he's like the only one to get hurt, so the stats aren't too bad(; but me and my comp are dying to do it, and we're gonna take a ton of pics(:
The teaching around here has slowed down a bit, and im not sure if its cuz of the World Cup or all these festivals coming up or what, but its getting tougher to find new people. but on the flip side it gives us a lot of time to be with the investigators we already have and recent converts, so our relationships with them have been growing, and our focus as a district this transfer is to strengthen the Branch and get them to start really participating in the missionary work, so maybe its just all part of the bigger plan(; haha
So ive been reading the the chapters in 2 Nephi where he's quoting Isaiah.... and holy crud haha, if you thought Isaiah was hard to understand in English, Portuguese is absurd haha. but its cool to me to see the passion and... haha holy crap i cant think of the word i want to say in English, it means like excitment or gung-ho attitude... that Isaiah has for the work of progressing the gospel. im pretty sure if he were alive today he would be one of the best missionary's every haha(:
well i forgot to bring my camera with me to send pictures, but maybe if we have time later this week i can jump on and send some(:
i love you guys and ive been thinking about you guys alot lately, and i know this totally makes me a hypocrite... but i need more pictures!! hahaha(: sorry, ill work on sending some too!(;
Love you guys!!
Zach is Gearing Up for the Running of the Bulls in his area, let's all PRAY he is safe!!
Hi momma!! man holy crap that trip looked awesome, we definitely have to go when i get back haha!! and holy crud those pictures of Gavin were so funny haha(: and im glad the letters made it, i put them in kind of a sketchy looking mail box so i wasn't sure if it would make it haha, but sweet. and do the boys like the ties? they're super thin cuz thats the style here, i dont know how it will fit in back home though haha, but i figure the boys are kinda like me and dont care too much what others think about them(; haha. and dang you guys sound like you're having a blast this summer! my letter is kinda short this week too, so does that mean my pictures make up for it too?? haha, ive got to get back into the habit of taking more! and this week is the Bull Runs in the streets!! im so flipping stoked!! it starts this wednesday (the 25th) and goes until the 30th!! so ill get plenty of pictures and videos, i just wish that i had a go pro!!! hahaha, but next week ill probably have more stories(; haha i love you guys and ill talk to you next week!(:
This is elder André, he's from Angola, Africa and doesnt speak a lick of english haha!! the house im in is a 4 elder house and he's in the other companionship, but we hang out all the time(:
this elder AndrĂ© cutting my hair!!! haha, i didnt want to have to pay somebody, and i guess he used to be a haircutter back in Angola... but it wasn´t till after he started that i realized the people in africa only haved shaved heads haha.... but it turned out to not be so bad, but i did take scissors to it a tiny bit after, but now it looks good, so dont worry(;this was a sunset over the bay that heads out to the ocean... its been really nice lately(:
ITS SO PRETTY. haha, we saw this while we were walking... we ended up looking at it for like 20 minutes... i want my own Bently(:
There's a kid here who's ten years old named Jonny, and he's like my favorite person in all of portugal so far haha. he kind of speaks english, and just a little bit ago it was his birthday, so i got him a nerf gun and one for myself, and we have little wars all the time haha, ill have to get a picture of him soon. but yesterday we we're over at their house and me and him were taking turns writing insults on each others arms haha
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