The Day After Mother's Day!!
We had an AMAZING visit with Zach on Mother's Day. He was so happy the whole time we got to talk to him! He is loving Portugal!
hi guys!(:
it was awesome to see you guys too!(: nah i wasnt too sad, i was too tired haha(; i really wish i could've heard your talk!:/ and did dad give a talk too? i dont really know what to say cuz we talked last night haha(: but its nuts how big everyone is getting! and im starting to get back into the habit of studying as much as i used to, dont worry(; this morning i was studying in Romans, cuz i love all the epistles that Paul sent out, and i spent a while going over Romans 12 this morning. I honestly think that if any person were to just apply that chapter to their lives and to be really trying to be the person it describes, that person would be pretty well off by any standards, especially in God's eyes, haha. one of my favorite verses was the very last one in chapter 12, im just going off of memory, but im pretty sure it says "Don't be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good". to me it just kinda means that its not enough to just not be bad, but we actually have to be good, in fact good enough to defeat the bad... so we pretty much have out work cut out for us(;
well i love you guys a bunch and yea i kinda miss you guys!!(; ill try to get back in the habit of taking pictures too, now that i have a working camera(:
ill talk to you guys again next week!! jeez school is almost out haha, thats nuts!! tchau!! love you guys!!(:
Zach's had a busy week reconnecting with members in the area!
this Antonio, he has been a member for quite a while but lives really far away and doesnt have the opportunity to go to church hardly ever cuz he has to take care of his really sick mom. but holy crap if anyone is going straight to the highest part of heaven its this guy, he's just incredible! the missionaries i guess kind of forgot about him, and its been about 6 or 7 years since he's had contact with them, but last week he called us up, so we got on a bus and when down to his house to talk with him. he goes around to a lot of the members in his town (cuz none of them are able to come all the way out to Tomar for church every sunday) and helps them keep up their testimonies!! he's so flippin cool!!
my week has been pretty good!! Carlos, the guy who was baptized like a month ago, just yesterday in church got the Aaronic priesthood, which totally rocks! this branch is finally growing!! haha(:
and if the boys are getting good at guitar, one song that's fun to play is Come Together by the Beatles (but Aerosmith does a sweeter version) an Elder taught me how to play that one, and it's way fun(: but you have to lower the lowest E string down to a D, its super easy to do it with the piano. thats a fun one(:
and holy crap its so weird.... Boogs is turning flippin 16!!!! im finishing on writing all these letters and organizing a crap ton of pictures and videos onto a thumb drive so i can send it all home, and maybe a birthday present... if i can find something cool haha(: TELL HIM I SAID HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!
and dang you lucky jerks!!! i wanna go to freakin Mexico hahaha, you guys better have fun!!!!(; and i freakin hope i get to see Joseph, that'll be so flippin cool!!! i can't wait for him to get here already haha, he's gonna love it!!
and my week has been pretty good, pretty much the same old, same old stuff. im kinda scrambling right now cuz i dont have much time left. today was crazy with a bunch of elders here to all go to the castle, so i dont have much time to write and i dont have any of my notes to pass on awesome scritpures to you guys. but one that i do remember is D&C 101, but i don't remember exactly why hahahaha, sorry(:
well i love you guys all so much, and as much as i want to say that next weeks letter will be better, im not sure, cuz this coming up sunday we have transfers!!! i have no idea whats gonna happen, but i guess we'll see(: love you guys, and have a killer week, i'll email you guys next week!!(:
Zach playing with the members and investigators in Tomar
this was us who played futsol, the two black kids are Leo and Mauro (members of the Angolan family) the guy in the white shirt is Miguel, he's a super cool member, and he's the one kinda teaching us MMA, and the shorter one is our Branch Pres, haha holy crud he's is so awesome, i freakin love him to death
Zach and some visiting Elders check out the "Castle" again
figured since i was wearing a crossfit shirt, i could go old school and throw up a handstand to rep the team(:
then a nice little heel-click down the hallway... im getting pretty good at those(; haha
This is Julio, one of our strongest members and just pretty much a stud haha. if i ever get the chance to revisit Portugal im going straight to this guy's house haha(:
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