Zach Can't Believe his Bros are Starting School Again
(and PS... he's usually responding to a comment or question I asked if it doesn't make much sense!)
i was thinking it had been a while since i took a nice little rest in the grass in the shade, so i just laid down haha, it was nice(: |
holy crud thats this week!! its blowning my mind thinking of Mace at Red Mt, and especially Brig as a junior! haha. hahaha oh c'mon they cant be much worse than me haha(; and dont say sorry, you're the reason i flippin graduated haha(: so im saying thankyou for hassling me about grades(: haha and don't worry, we've got plenty of time to talk about the military, right now im a missionary(;
if you havent sent the package can you pretty pretty please send me a football?!?!?!?! haha we've got a ball pump here, so it doesnt need to be pumped up, but i just want a football, like a real one! some stores here have super crappy wannabe footballs, but they're totally not worth it haha. could you just throw in a good Wilson ball or something? ask the McBride boys, they'll know what football is the best(; haha but im thinking im gonna be in this area for a while, and the members and investigators here are so cool and they're already like family with me, and i wanna get some sweet football games going haha(: but okay, now im excited haha(:
and no no no no no no no no no 19 is too big of a number hahaha, I DONT LIKE IT!!!! and im definitely gonna have to do something about his whole "turning 20" thing.... thats just disgusting hahaha, but i guess we'll see how it goes!!
the investigators are all doing awesome! yes, the lady getting baptized on Saturday is named Denise, and she's awesome, we're super stoked for her. there's also an older couple who are living together but aren't married (its really common here cuz apparently the marrige paperwork is just to hard or whatever haha) but we've been talking with them for a while, and we're hoping that by the end of August they will be getting married, and then soon after getting baptized too! They're such nice and cool people and they love the church already, and yesterday they finally came to church and got along great with everyone which was so sweet, so we're stoked for them too(: we've got other people too, but ill report on them when they start getting a little but closer(:
and that picture of briggy doing yard work in a speedo made me laugh so hard!!!!!!!! hahahahahaha, im glad to see that im not the only one who has a socially unnacceptable side haha(: go briggy!!!!
well i love you guys a bunch and them some, and ill talk to you next week! hope you guys have a good first week of school! oh yea, who do the boys all have for teachers?? maybe they'll need to pass on some hellos for me! haha
love you guys!!(:
and boy have a got a scripture for you guys this week!(; hahaha. a few days ago i was flipping through the book of Mormon just looking for something to read, and i flipped open to Alma 7, which is Alma foretelling the coming of Christ. I thought to myself "oh i've already read a billion scriptures prophecying of him and i already know all about the coming of Christ and his mission and what not, i want to read something that i dont know." and i almost turned the pages, but then i thought to myself that there's really not anything in the scriptures more important that the Life of Christ and his mission, so i started to read. well turns out that at the same time i was listening to "I Believe In Christ" by MoTab, and the scripture turned to be one of the most powerful i've read in a long time. i spent a while going over the part where Alma is talking about all the things that Christ would suffer, and began to really think pretty hard about that, and the spirit just hit me like a punch in the face. the whole reason that any of us have any hope for this life and the next is because of what Jesus Christ did for us, and i definitely recommend giving Alma 7 some study time(:

this is good ole Simon!!!! our fearless ward mission leader, haha i fricken love this guy so much. we were on the way to teach an investigator who lives like half an hour away by car, lucjy for us we have him instead of paying for the bus!
good ole Simon again... every thursday we have a meeting with him in his tiny little house, then he always feeds us. this week just happened to be like 3 kilos of rice and fish, and like a kilo salad haha
Zachary SCARES his mother!!
so one day we were walking and we found a huge abandoned grain silo plant, and climed aaaaalllllll the way to the top, 14 stories up(: and there was no railing on the top and it was bloody windy haha, it was way sick!
it was super sketch getting way close to the edge cuz it was so windy, but it was soooo cool, plus a sweet view of Beja(:
hahahahahaha this is one of my favorite pictures, elder boyd HATES hights hahaha, he caught a little queesy while i was running by the edge haha
been here for almost 8 months and im still trying to figure out what the heck is the point of these tiny cars... like smart cars can at least hit normal speeds. i kid you not, these things top out at like 20mph. we call them lawnmower cars cuz they're fricken loud and sound like they have lawnmower engines haha, they're about as fast too
ths is my comp Elder Boyd helping Lara (the daughter of a recent convert) with her homework haha
at little chunky Isaac loves giving kisses hahaha
this is Isaac again(: we were passing by one day and saw him and his family and another member chillin in this park with some fountains, so we spent a little time with them. he stuck his face down in front of the spout and wasnt to happy with what happened hahaha
all the missionaries here decorate their planners, and the other day i was reading the Liahona and saw a fricken picture of a saguaro with lightning in the background, so i couldn't pass up that opportunity! and i also had a coke bottle on my desk, so this is my Arizona planner(:
there's a member who's friend is getting baptized this saturday, and they went to the beach, and they really fricken like us, so the brought us back a little bit of the beach since we can't go haha
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME hahahahaha, these sweet suckers were on sale and ive been wanting some swanky shoes, so i treated myself to an early bday present haha, you likey? im gonna come home lookin so slick haha, if europe does one thing right its clothes... sometimes haha